The Project Mail Call Mission provides a direct and personal method to contact and send customized care-packages and letters to U.S. Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, and 'Coasties' deployed overseas. At regularly-scheduled packing sessions, volunteers pack boxes for military units based on the units' unique needs and requests.
Particular attention is given to service personnel who are in remote locations, do not receive mail, or who provide humanitarian aid to schools, clinics, orphanages or villages in their operating area. Please contact Mary or Ed by email, text, LinkedIn, Facebook message or phone if you want to attend or schedule a session.
Mt. Bethel Church featured Project Mail Call in their 2011 Memorial Day Patriotic Concert, showing a great video produced by the church's media department. Please click HERE to see the video.
Click one of the following boxes for further detail.
As of August, 2024, Project Mail Call has packed and mailed over 11,800 customized care-packages weighing over 176,000 pounds. Over 87 tons! The boxes were mailed to over 7,800 military units representing over 200,000 military personnel in 72 countries and many ships at sea.
Specifically the countries are: Afghanistan, Algeria, Ascension Island, Australia, Bahrain, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cameroon, Chad, China, Columbia, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Diego Garcia, Djibouti, East Timor, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Greenland, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liberia, Lithuania, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Somalia, South Korea, Spain, Somalia, Syria, The Philippines, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam and Yemen. Care-boxes have also been mailed to ships at sea in the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman, Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf, and the Red Sea.
Working out of Ed and Mary's basement in 630 packing sessions since 2005, over 11,800 voluteerse have packed boxes, and over 52,000 people have written letters of support for the troops, which were inserted in the boxes.
A diverse set of clubs, organizations, groups and companies have written letters and packed boxes to support our troops overseas. In addition to such group packing sessions,'general packing sessions' are also held to accommodate families and individuals who want to support our troops overseas.
If your group wants to schedule a private packing session, contact Mary or Ed, or you can send a Facebook message on Project Mail Call's Facebook Wall.
If you would like to help support our U.S. Military and/or the Project Mail Call mission, please click on the following button:
Use the button below to return to the Military Webpage
Or use the button below to return to the Tripleee Travelogue Webpage
Project Mail Call obtains military addresses from friends and relatives of military personnel serving overseas, military organizations, Operation Homefront Georgia, Operation Stars and Stripes, Mt Bethel Church and other churches.
Project Mail Call also uses the AnySoldier.comĀ® website to obtain soldier information and mailing addresses. Their blog maintains current and accurate troop data that is valuable to our mission.
Note that is a registered trademark of Any Soldier Inc.